Friday, October 30, 2009
Back to embroidery work
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Beauty Expo at PWTC
The blue lipstick looks amazing on her
These two ladies were models from APT I believe ...
I'm quite upset right now, coz I couldnt find my camera charger ... have been looking for a few days and I still cant find it anywhere.. oh maybe I've left it at my mum's house ! :( I really would like to take pictures of the MAc holiday stuff that I got! I dont feel like taking pictures by using camera phone instead.. coz afraid that it would appear so differently in terms of colours and so on ..
Some of the things that I bought ...
Some random stuff at the buy 1 free 1 kiosk
L-R: I bought 2 masks from Rosyvelle, and got 1 free (Bird's nest, kiwi and lavender) , Eye gel masks for RM15 ( 5 pieces), facial sponge ( 10 units for RM10), cotton hairband ( 6 units for RM10) very2 cheap !
Some falsies that I've purchased .. ( the one in large box is rm28 and a buy 1 free 1 item) its a bargain item as well.
I did buy two makeup box at the beauty expo that I'll show some pics in the next post. cheers :)
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Mac Holiday Haul !

I hope i'll have the time to blog about the stuff I got in the next post !
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
The Holiday Mac event KLCC

hmm as always as usual.. kalau pegi MAC jer mesti tangan jd comot dipenuhi ngan swatches ! Maybe my wishlist tu ada sedikit pertukaran laa kot. Biasa la tgk2 review in blogs and gmbr2 dlm website tak menjamin sgt... tgk sendiri and feel the products br la tauu.. huhu. For the time being tgh budget2 and pk dulu.. then im gonna purchase this weekend maybe .. hopefully dpt berfikir dgn warassss sbb kalau ikutkan hati.. semuaa pun nak beli ! :p I'll blog about it once i've bought the items ok :)
Magic,Mirth and Mischief...