ATTENTION: This post is gonna be a long one ... my rambling about a product, which is the Manly Eye Shadow Palette. If you think that you dont need my opinion regarding this. Don't READ :) coz it will save ur precious time .. hehehe. Please Bare In Mind that .. this is my personal review and thoughts based on my experience. TQ :)
Have you ever heard about this very inexpensive make up palette ?? Im SURE you are VERY familiar with this palette ! You can easily get this stuff anywhere now and its quite popular among the "mak andam" or is it sounds better with the tittle : Make Up Artist... hehe coz its very cheap plus you get variety of different colours but most of them are very vibrant!
As far as Im concerned .. this kind of palette comes in many different brand ! ... but I think, all the diff brands are of the same kind of eye shadows. It is manufactured by either Hong Kong / China factory, hohoho ... Im not so sure about that ! Most of you would have this thought in mind .. is it safe to use beauty products from there ?? especially the eye shadows coz eyes are the most beautiful and sensitive part of human anatomy, right... so you have to be EXTRA concerned and EXTRA gentle regarding ur eye area. .... hmmmm what should I be telling you on this...

I cant tell you much on the safety of the eye shadows ... since I dont use these eye shadows as often/ regularly. I bought this palette a YEAR ago.. yess exactly .. around MARCH last year directly from Chinese supplier via the net. You can find the similar thing on ebay too... and there are a few blogs now that are selling this pallete as well. I cant recall how much was the exact amount that I paid for this including shipping ... I think it was around RM80 ...

But you know what ... since I bought this palette .. I never used it .. till somebody .. ( a fren) requested me to do an Arabic make up (which i'll be posting pictures in the next post) ! huhu.. so you know arabic make up requires vibrant colours! FYI.. since I bought this a year ago.. I only used this once to achieve the Arabic make up look, which was a few days ago ... I repeat ... once ! I Love the eye shadows, really !!! but I only wear make up on special occasions... so, instead of using this .. I prefer to use my MAC ... coz they are more expensive and I just feel like it would be such a waste if I've spent a lot of money on that but never used it ! So, better make full usage on more expensive items that I bought rather than this one .. LOL. Well thats my point of view ... but if you are on a budget, this is a perfect selection ! ... coz spending on MAC eye shadows are crazzyy .. one eye shadows costs you about RM57 .. you have to have at least 4 eyeshadows .. which total about RM ... hmm you calculate that yourselve .. ok ? hehehe ... ok nevermind .. simple calculation only. The Total is = RM228 ! The price of 3 "120" Manly eyeshadow palette .. hehehe.
BUT ... if you are a type of person that only use the same colour of eye shadows everytime ... you only go for natural shades ... only the BROWNS I mean ... I recommend you to buy the one that give you full satisfaction... and the best result that you desired for. ... and the most important thing is .. you buy only the colours that you want and will wear them ! This palette is prefferable for those who likes to experiment with colours coz there are a plenty of beautiful shades that you can play around with.... plus its not that expensive! Cool isnt it ?
Some things you might want to know about this product:
The size of each eyeshadow is approximately the size of 10c coins.
The palette size is 22.5cm x 14.5 cm
- The eye shadows are higly pigmented and great colour pay off
- Inexpensive for 120 colours of eye shadows
-Different colour selections from bright, dark, neutrals and for highlights
-The size of palette is very compact and easy storage
-Most of the colours are very easy to blend
-The quality is not as good as the high end brands ... the texture and colour pay off is different
- The eyeshadows are quite powdery / chalky so they tend to have many fall outs during application.
- They are also very soft and fragile. Extra care when handling these eye shadows are needed.
Mine, even got damaged during shipping !
- Some of the colours are so close to each other .. and maybe you wont be needed too many shades of yellow for example.
- These eye shadows of course will not last longer compared to high end brands without applying your eye primer first ! Most of high end brands also dont last .. it will break within hours but these eye shadows lasting power is poorer !
But with the price of only below RM100 ... I think its a worth buy ! So, Give it a Go and play around with the colours :)