Monday, November 29, 2010

Lovely Ghan Got Married ! ;)

She's my junior back in uia, and we used to be roommates ;)
I did her makeup for two sessions: solemnization, morning session and grooms reception. Both events were held in Kajang, Selangor.

Jihan Before

During Makeup Sessions...

A classic look for ghan on her solemnization day

jihan and me ;) I look soo damn chubby !! *sobs*

Groom's reception

Jihan and Hubby, Zack

Congratulations Ghan and Zack. Im so happy for you, may you n hubby live happily ever after ;) Luv, Hugs and Kisses !


Ibu Ilyanie(s) said...

patutla make upnya cantik.. tuan make upnya pun chantiq... :D

Anna Ismail said...

haha, u are so funny. mana ade la .. tak tgk ke i chubby giler tu. sedih ;(

efa fairuz said...

huaaa canteknye..

u chubby ke? mane chubby nye? nampak cantek je? hehe

Anna Ismail said...

thanx efa ;)

yer efa skrg ni dh triple chubby kut. maybe xnmpak sbb dh di crop sebelah badan ;p

Cherrie Pie Sweety said...

cantiknyaaa jihannn.... well done dear..
tp blusher kaler cam xnampak sgt dlm gama.. maybe lighting flash kot hehehe

Anna Ismail said...

tu la kdg2 nmpak, kdg2 x, thats becoz of lighting

Mummy Eda said...

Luv your style of make up. Sweetttt sangat!!!

Anna Ismail said...

thank you mummy eda. thanx for dropping by my blog ;) really appreciate it

ferrarossa said...

I'd love you to be my makeup artist for my wedding one day.. tho its not until 2 years! i love that you make it light and natural: not like the kryolan "mask" alot of the malaysian makeup artist uses. Most times the bride doesn't even look like herself! You have used makeup for what it's made for: enhancing, rather than masking the beauty of the wearer. Anyway I think you're awesome.

Anna Ismail said...

thanx for the compliment dear ;) when the time comes, dont hesitate to contact me. hehe

arina_aris said...

sy suka la makeup y u buat kt jihan..cantik...nk quo blh?

Anna Ismail said...

hi arina, tq. you can email me at for any inquiries ;)