comey..sekalo kade2 ade makeup ana kak nora tak cover mana parut kat muka..tok tebal ko gano tak tahu hok ni cunnn cover bahagian base muka...ko biso dio loni....bilo nk jadi supo ana nis
hehe... ana tak suka sgt make up tebal2 ala tepung gomak tu kak nora...and sometimes ana tak pakai pun concealor sbb nk makeup untuk snap2 sendiri jer :D FYI , ana tak guna kryolan (itu sbnrnya yg buat tebal) coz the product itself mcm lilin .. ia waterproof and will make the make up break skejap jer. should be in this new era.. I prefer base yg nampak ur own skin.. looks healthy.. and doesnt look like you make up .. btw, thanx for ur comment :)
oo rasa gano eh dio tak napok still cover parut2..maybe blend nge bedok gelap ko foundation gelap ko gano..mace mekup pengantin deh..memey tebal tapi bila dalam gmbr nampak neutral mace ni la..tak reti nk blend foundation ko bedok gano..tu suko tgk blog ana..heheh dulu suka jugak makeup..pernah makeup member nikoh nge biasa2 la..since pregnant pencen plus barrang2 bnyak buang..sbb tak guna debu..barang2 murah je kak yana paka..hehe..
tp yang ni seriously cun...:) suka sgt tgk muka nge muka dia memey takdok parut mano key..tu menambahkan ke cungannya..hehehe suko tgk tang eyeshadow gelap2..tapi k.yana takleh paka sbb eyebag kuat sgt..cover nge foundation pun napok tak neutral..napok jugok gelap...huhuhu teringin nk paka eyeshadow gelap..
in case of bridal kena la tebal sikit ... pakai lots of powder tp ada disadvantage: akan nampak cakey and will break. And kak yana tgk lawa tu coz photographer dah edit... I can compare coz I refer to my wed makeup by pak andam before editing and after :)but it depends on your skin too.. skin care routine is very important. kulit lawa, automatically make up pun akan jd lawa ! ok,for daily make up .. i prefer to be natural and flawless. nnti makeup tebal2 org tgk semacam hehe.
thanx for the compliment kak yana ... I agree.. diana nyer face xde parut. my face lagi banyak parut compared to her seriously if tunjuk my face before.. byk sgt beza :p nk letak pun malu huhu. ler kalau dh ada lebam kt mata lg easy nk buat smokey.. dh takyah pakai base eye shadow gelap :p lor jgn marah.. just kidding hehe
sy suke sgtttt akak nyer mekap la..n terpegun tgk akak cun sgt cm anak patung bile dh mekap tu..mmg terbaekkk la! smpai sy berangan bile la akak leh mekap sy secun akak..huhu..i laik makeup s0 much..:P
hehe thank you miss anonymous.I take it as a compliment k :) hmm make up mmg sgt interesting.. especially when we know how to apply 'em. tapi seriously parah jgk.. sbb in order for us to master make up.. sbolehnya we have to try so many different products out there so baru we can learn and differentiate apa yg bagus apa yg x best.. apa yg sesuai for us n whats not! thats the way I learnt la..
heheh jimat eyeshadow ek...a'ah kalo tebal dia cam nk pecah2 je bedak tu..hehhe..ana kalo nk shapekan keningkan..better pakai pencil ke? eyeshadow? hari tu ade tgk mak andam dia guna eyeshdow warna brown cam cantik gak..
ermm thats why make up nipis lg lawa .. lg nampak flawless.. if mat salleh make up lg laa sebolehnya nk elakkan nampak bedak bertapok. apatah lg skrg dh advance.. pakai airbrush system. tp taste malay suka ikut indonesian ... for eyebrow shaping ... can use either eye shadows / eye brow pencil...ikut keselesaan kak yana la..for diana ni ana pakai eye shadows (espresso by MAC) and use brush #208
ske setiap ur entry.. choice of color pon berani but sweet!!!!
really luv it!!!
comey..sekalo kade2 ade makeup ana kak nora tak cover mana parut kat muka..tok tebal ko gano tak tahu hok ni cunnn cover bahagian base muka...ko biso dio loni....bilo nk jadi supo ana nis
hehe... ana tak suka sgt make up tebal2 ala tepung gomak tu kak nora...and sometimes ana tak pakai pun concealor sbb nk makeup untuk snap2 sendiri jer :D FYI , ana tak guna kryolan (itu sbnrnya yg buat tebal) coz the product itself mcm lilin .. ia waterproof and will make the make up break skejap jer. should be in this new era.. I prefer base yg nampak ur own skin.. looks healthy.. and doesnt look like you make up .. btw, thanx for ur comment :)
hurm.entah bler nk pandai makeup.lebih2 lg d bhgn mata..agaknya sb muka buruk..bwt smokey eyes..lg buruk jdnya..hehehe..
oo rasa gano eh dio tak napok still cover parut2..maybe blend nge bedok gelap ko foundation gelap ko gano..mace mekup pengantin deh..memey tebal tapi bila dalam gmbr nampak neutral mace ni la..tak reti nk blend foundation ko bedok gano..tu suko tgk blog ana..heheh dulu suka jugak makeup..pernah makeup member nikoh nge biasa2 la..since pregnant pencen plus barrang2 bnyak buang..sbb tak guna debu..barang2 murah je kak yana paka..hehe..
tp yang ni seriously cun...:) suka sgt tgk muka nge muka dia memey takdok parut mano key..tu menambahkan ke cungannya..hehehe suko tgk tang eyeshadow gelap2..tapi k.yana takleh paka sbb eyebag kuat sgt..cover nge foundation pun napok tak neutral..napok jugok gelap...huhuhu teringin nk paka eyeshadow gelap..
in case of bridal kena la tebal sikit ... pakai lots of powder tp ada disadvantage: akan nampak cakey and will break. And kak yana tgk lawa tu coz photographer dah edit... I can compare coz I refer to my wed makeup by pak andam before editing and after :)but it depends on your skin too.. skin care routine is very important. kulit lawa, automatically make up pun akan jd lawa ! ok,for daily make up .. i prefer to be natural and flawless. nnti makeup tebal2 org tgk semacam hehe.
thanx for the compliment kak yana ... I agree.. diana nyer face xde parut. my face lagi banyak parut compared to her seriously if tunjuk my face before.. byk sgt beza :p nk letak pun malu huhu. ler kalau dh ada lebam kt mata lg easy nk buat smokey.. dh takyah pakai base eye shadow gelap :p lor jgn marah.. just kidding hehe
sy suke sgtttt akak nyer mekap la..n terpegun tgk akak cun sgt cm anak patung bile dh mekap tu..mmg terbaekkk la! smpai sy berangan bile la akak leh mekap sy secun akak..huhu..i laik makeup s0 much..:P
hehe thank you miss anonymous.I take it as a compliment k :) hmm make up mmg sgt interesting.. especially when we know how to apply 'em. tapi seriously parah jgk.. sbb in order for us to master make up.. sbolehnya we have to try so many different products out there so baru we can learn and differentiate apa yg bagus apa yg x best.. apa yg sesuai for us n whats not! thats the way I learnt la..
heheh jimat eyeshadow ek...a'ah kalo tebal dia cam nk pecah2 je bedak tu..hehhe..ana kalo nk shapekan keningkan..better pakai pencil ke? eyeshadow? hari tu ade tgk mak andam dia guna eyeshdow warna brown cam cantik gak..
ermm thats why make up nipis lg lawa .. lg nampak flawless.. if mat salleh make up lg laa sebolehnya nk elakkan nampak bedak bertapok. apatah lg skrg dh advance.. pakai airbrush system. tp taste malay suka ikut indonesian ...
for eyebrow shaping ... can use either eye shadows / eye brow pencil...ikut keselesaan kak yana la..for diana ni ana pakai eye shadows (espresso by MAC) and use brush #208
Nice! What foundation did you use if any? Thanks
for this look .. I used MAC studio fix on her :)
lips colour lawa la. mac ke? bole bg detail tak? huhu. tq
for lips: I used lip liner from bobbi brown (tulle brown) and Lipcolour by MAC (Warm Me Up ) its a limited edition ..
cantik la sue.. pandai make up.. aku seumur hidup ni kawin skali jer make up.. pas2 tak pnh pun
thanx for the compliment huda... xpo mung x makeup.. kulit dah lawa hehe
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